Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So I had my rake back payment this month. $127 was deposited into my account on august 11th. Since then I lost it. I really think that I need to go back through the hands and examine my game. I feel like I ran poorly and also probably played sub optimally. I am going to take a break from cards.

Its weird that I am so bummed about losing. I think its because I have been envisioning myself becoming a competent player and hopefully make a living or at least add a healthy chunk of income to my monthly earn while I try to make it through college (which I have not started yet due to finances). Although I completely understand that I did not have an adequate roll for playing any game, I for some reason thought it would go better.

I think I am going to go through with my prior plan of the large deposit and playing 50nl, but I may be over my head at that game. In all truth, that would be very disappointing. I will go over my hands and take a look at what is happening and why I seem to lose every time I take a shot.

This is my PT screen shot for all the games that I played. The colors are off because I have a cool theme on my computer now and it makes everything a soft and easy on the eyes gray color. This does not include a Sit and Go that I played and placed second in for a win of 69.75, the other small tournaments that I played in and won.

Here is my graph. As you can see from the get go I was never in the green in my cash games.

I also dropped some skrill in the Omaha games. I really think I have an edge in those games and was doing well until a few coolers happened. That is to be expected though, I know that Omaha is a swingy game and the nuts with the nut redraw isn't always going to hold up. But here is my Omaha pictures.

And the graph

I will do some review and post again soon.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


First off, I'm working again and I hate it. Fuck jobs, they are so stupid. Working for minimum wage is even worse, and its one of the best jobs in my area.

No poker as I am still technically busto. I will be getting my rake back soon (a whole $127.00) and I plan on playing 2 tables of 50nl with it. I know this is not good bankroll management, but I am not looking at my rack back as the rejuvenation to my bankroll, just two buy in for my current limit. Although it would be nice to have one of the Green Plastic stories of a tiny original deposit ran into a huge bankroll.

Although I have not played 50nl enough to consider it "my current limit" I strongly believe that I will be able to beat the game for a decent winrate, and it would be nice to run hot as the devils balls and run that deposit up and not have to redeposit, but I am not counting on it. We all know how the swings of poker are, and as long as I get my money in with an edge, I will consider it a "win".

Something that I am going to be focusing on while playing 2 tables is going to be reading hands. I chat a lot with a friend about hands online, and I fell I have a good grip on ranges. I want to make sure that I am applying this knowledge on the go so that I can make more correct decisions when I am faced with a tough spot. I think when I am playing 10nl and 25nl I play more on autopilot and don't consider ranges to much unless I am faced with a tough spot. However that needs to change if I want to move up.

I read some post on 2p2 today that seemed to really inspire my mindset about the game. I really suggest reading them, they are great post and may help your mindset as well.
Being Disconnected