Friday, July 27, 2007


Its 4:00 in the morning and I’m sitting up having a hard time getting to sleep. I have been doodling in a notepad I purchased today writing about my poker goals. My last post did not detail my current situation very well.
My bankroll is now zero. I don’t want to say that I am busto, because I cashed out all but 30 dollars. I guess however, by definition I am. I needed to be able to pay some bills and have food money till I start working again so I decided that I did not need the money online as much as I need to be able to use it. The last $30 that I had in my account I did some flipaments with. It was fun. I just pulled up a table and started shoving every hand, and called every all in.

I wasn’t worried about the $30, and just wanted to be entertained. It worked for about 30 minutes, and I’m sure I made some 10nl players pretty happy. Except one hand where I shoved 83 of clubs into pocket aces and I flopped a flush. That had made me laugh.

The internet bill was paid, I decided that I would be the mature member of my household and pay the bill, although I am moving the modem into my room, and not allowing anyone else access (maybe its not that mature…). I have someone from the internet company coming in tomorrow to hook up the coaxial cables in my room. So I will post this then.

What I ‘m wanting to do is once I sell the van, I am going to deposit at least 2k. I am selling the van for 4k, but will use some of the money to pay off some bills, and maybe upgrade my computer. I will be playing 50nl until I am beating the game for at least 6ptbb/100 over 100k hand sample. Then I will move up to 100nl once I am comfortable with the game. I will also be using a conservative forty buy in rule for each level. The reason is that I feel that I am going to be learning the limits as I go and would like to be able to withstand the variance and learning curve.

I will also want to be playing at least 50k hands a month. So if my math is correct I will be making 3k a month plus about $600+ in rake back. I plan on cutting my job to part time once I have the funds online. I will cash out half of all my winnings at the end of the month, so if everything goes according to plan, I will be at 100nl two months after my initial deposit.

First though, I need to get a lot of my bills paid off before I do this. So I will be working on selling my van, and doing a ton of overtime, to get myself out of debt. I also want to have about 3 months worth of living expenses set aside incase my little adventure fails. So it is about 3k before that happens. My time line is to have this set up for about mid November. So that gives me three months of work, saving, and playing.

Monday, July 23, 2007


So I cashed out almost all of my bankroll and have not been playing as of late. I've done this because my roommate has not paid the cable internet bill to spite me.

Him and I used to be friends until he got a girlfriend about a month ago and decided that he was too "mature" to associate with me. This has led to him being absolutely childish about some thing, and said that because I do not contribute to the house he is not turning the internet back on. I guess its fine by me really, just means that I have an excuse not to pay rent this month, as the internet is how I was earning money (although very little so far this month).

So smite me all mighty smiter!!! haha, Bruce Allmighty is a great movie.

I do have some plans though. I will be selling the van that I purchased for the band. I am asking 4k for it, and hopefully will sell it soon. I am going to use at least 2k, if not the entire amount to start a bankroll. Hopefully I can be playing 50nl with 40 buy ins in a month or two.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Today Was Swingy

Today I put in about 2893 hands. I ended up down almost 3 buy ins in 10nl (26.55) and down a little more then 1 buy in at 25nl (32.30) for a total net of -59.15. I'm fine with todays losses, I had a couple of sick beats. I know I said I wasn't going to post hand history's but its fun to see me lose as a 98% favorite. It happens (1-50 times that is.

38 outs, and I miss...

I think I called in a lot of places where I shouldn't have. Tomorrow I am going to focus on playing well. I'm going to 4 table 25nl and hopefully be able to make some of the lay downs I know I should have. Its the difference between being up $125 and being down $35. I think I may have been getting tired or I stopped really focusing because all of the bad calls where happening at the very end of the session.

I cant fold a pair

At these limits he will rarely show up with AK here or JJ. I should have just folded preflop, I knew I was getting into trouble if I called and the flop comes ten high. I have to start being able to fold QQ more. Its a big leak of mine.

This is a call that I'm proud of. He was three betting me a lot when I raised from the small blind. And I think that if he had a flush on the flop he would not have raised me and waited for the turn to get the money in. I decided that he was FOS so I called.

feels good!

Todays results:

Hands: 2893 (-6.87ptbb/100)
Total: -59.15 + 22 in rake back= $-37.18


I haven't updated in a while. My life is changing pretty drastically here pretty soon. The band that I have been in for the last 3 years is going to be breaking up on September 1st. I have been playing music with these guys for a long time and we have developed some of the strongest friendships I could imagine and its going to be weird not seeing them and making loud noise 3 times a week anymore.

Our guitar player is going to be moving to Nashville to be with his girlfriend and none of the other members are really in a position to move across the country. Its pretty depressing, kind of the feeling you get after a break up with a cool girl. Hopefully the rest of the band will be able to continue making music, but I'm not counting on it.

Poker has been pretty frustrating as of late. I was on a ten buy in downswing and couldn't figure out why I was donking it up. I realized that I had a case of FPS and that is not a profitable "disease" to have at these limits. For those of you who are not familiar with the term FPS, it means Fancy Play Syndrome. These people do not fold, and trying to "outplay them" by assuming that they are thinking and reacting to your constant aggression as a sign of strength is FPS. You are rarely able to make someone lay down top pair, or second pair. Which over the long run can be profitable if your playing an ABC type poker game, and getting as much value as possible out of the hands that you do hit.

This is my graph from the beginning of this month

As you can see it takes a nice little dip on the middle. Hopefully I have cured my FPS and can continue it on a steady upward movement. The graph says that I am down only .38 cents, but my Poker Tracker says that I am still down $5.01. So I will go by PT because it seems to be more accurate. I am half way through my month of "free time" and overall I am still profitable with my rake back that has been earned which is about $130 as of today (plus the 108 that I earned from last month).

I haven't been holding up to the 3k hands a day either. I think I am averaging just over 1k a day. I put in 2200 today and 1900 yesterday. Its just a lot of cards to play and I am trying to hang out with friends when I can. So I might say that I want to play 2k hands from now on, it seems more attainable.

Another thing I have been failing to do is track my results using excel spreadsheet like I have been before. So I do not know exactly where my bankroll is. I am going to start doing that again.

But as of right now I have 195 on Ultimate bet and 230 on Full Tilt. I am cashing out my UB money and am going to start a new screen name on Full Tilt but in order to do it I have to use my bank account to deposit the funds. They are not letting me use my epassporte account on the other account. So as of Sunday night I am going to start transferring everything over to epassporte so I can go put the money in my bank, and transfer it over.

I'm doing this because at the end of the month I am going to need to cash out my bankroll to pay rent and all that jazz so if I make a new account I can get the bonuses. Hopefully tomorrow I can make 15 buy ins so I can have a full $600 to deposit and clear the whole bonus. But thats wishful thinking, I'd have to be on the heater of a life time.

So as of today:

Effective br: 230
today: +$33.66 (+14 in rake back)= 47.66
Hands 2270 7.41ptbb/100

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I did not update yesterday because I was super frustrated with how the evening went. I had some horrendous beats for some big pots (500bb), So I just didn't post my results. Im going to put my graph from yesterday here. Its like an amazing roller coaster.

Today went a lot better. I beat the game for what I think I should be winning at. Ended up playing 2390 hands and winning 53.20 (11.15bb/100). It feels good to be back in the green, and able to play some hands.

My goal of playing 3k hands a day has not been going very well. I have been really busy with the band, but after this week I think things are going to slow down. I should be able to reach my goal of 3k hands.

Todays results:
BR: 214.35
Today: +53.20 (+19.21 RB)= 72.49
Hands: 2390

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


My band had a show last night, and today is the holiday so I will not be able to play.

Maybe some tonight after the celebration, but no guarantee's. I'll going to be putting in some hands tomorrow for sure.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


So today being my first day as a "pro micro stakes" poker player, was swingy as I think it could possible by. I ended up with a winning day, but just barely. I'm not exaggerating when I say as I was winning a good sized put on one table, I was losing a huge pot from a three outer on another. It was kind of frustrating to be all over the place with my results. You can only get people in with three outs so many times before they are broke right??

I don't think I am going to be posting many hands, because quite frankly micro stakes hands are not interesting. Its a one level, basic thing in 10nl, but I will bitch about all the suck outs.

Results for Day 1

Number of Hands: 3458
Total poker winnings: 3.5 (0.51bb/100)
bonuses cleared: 20.00
Rake back earned: 18.29 (approximately)

Todays totals: 23.50 (41.79 w/rake back)

Monday, July 2, 2007


So its is looking like the tour my band has been preparing for has tentatively been canceled. The company that is putting on the tour says they will not be able to afford to pay the bands the guarantee's that where promised originally, and without that, we can not afford to go. Its super disappointing and leaves us with a lot of loose ends so to speak.

The basic plan was to do this tour, get our demo out to a couple of people and then figure out what our plans for the rest of our musical career are going to be. The plan was to finish this summer and if nothing good came of it, we were going to call it quits. But I guess all I can do now is wait and see what comes of these next two months.

My poker plans though have also been switched around. I have taken a leave of absence from my job and have no real income. I am going to try to play online to make money for the next month to see how that works. I have set up some rules that I will be going by.

1) I will play at least 3k hands a day (generate rake back on top of winnings)
2) I will not lose more then 3 buy ins in any given sessions, and no more then 5 a day. (I need to limit my losses of course, I have no means of reloading and if I have loosed five buy ins, then I'm playing poorly)
3) I will not take shots at the next level until I have at least 20 buy ins for (playing outside of my roll is not a good idea)
4) I will not play tired, or distracted.

So thats it for right now. I am going to try to update this daily so I have a log of what I am doing. My current bankroll is a measly 148. I have saved up for myself for food and other needs 371 dollars. I may return the giant computer monitor I just purchased but I have until Friday to determine if I am going to need to or not.

I am going to write another update tonight after I get done playing. Hopefully with some good news.