Sunday, July 15, 2007

Today Was Swingy

Today I put in about 2893 hands. I ended up down almost 3 buy ins in 10nl (26.55) and down a little more then 1 buy in at 25nl (32.30) for a total net of -59.15. I'm fine with todays losses, I had a couple of sick beats. I know I said I wasn't going to post hand history's but its fun to see me lose as a 98% favorite. It happens (1-50 times that is.

38 outs, and I miss...

I think I called in a lot of places where I shouldn't have. Tomorrow I am going to focus on playing well. I'm going to 4 table 25nl and hopefully be able to make some of the lay downs I know I should have. Its the difference between being up $125 and being down $35. I think I may have been getting tired or I stopped really focusing because all of the bad calls where happening at the very end of the session.

I cant fold a pair

At these limits he will rarely show up with AK here or JJ. I should have just folded preflop, I knew I was getting into trouble if I called and the flop comes ten high. I have to start being able to fold QQ more. Its a big leak of mine.

This is a call that I'm proud of. He was three betting me a lot when I raised from the small blind. And I think that if he had a flush on the flop he would not have raised me and waited for the turn to get the money in. I decided that he was FOS so I called.

feels good!

Todays results:

Hands: 2893 (-6.87ptbb/100)
Total: -59.15 + 22 in rake back= $-37.18

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