Saturday, September 8, 2007


Something that I have been trying to think of to do is some sort of challenge to re-inspire me to play and learn and progess as I did when I first started till now. I Feel that I may have "hit a wall" with my learning curve. I am going to try over the next month or two (until I sell my van) to build my bankroll from next to nothing.

My plan for this is to play $1.25 9 player sit and gos. Until I have 15 buy ins for the next level of sit and go's. I will drop down if I ever get below 15 buy ins for the previous levels, this is so I always have a sufficient bankroll for the limits. I will hold off on cash games untill I have 15 buy ins for 10nl. And will stop playing cash anytime I drop five buy ins, and stop if I lost two buy ins in a single session.

Well, Im going to bed or work, I haven't decided.

My current bankroll for the challenge:
Total S&G's Played:

Wish me luck!

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