Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today I took the day of work and played about 7 different sit and goes. I moved to the $2.00 + 0.25 sit and goes and tried out most of the different ones. I ended up winning one, taking second in two, and 15th in two others. For a total profit on the day of $8.20. Ha, I can almost buy lunch now!

Regardless of the fact that the win is next to no money, I am playing and winning. I have a total of 26 sit and goes logged (as per sharkscope.com) and have a ROI of 126%. I have been experimenting with betting strange amounts early in the tournaments and I think my weird raising numbers are confusing people. They take more time when I bet 351 into a 425 pot, then if I were to bet 350 or 375. I think the strange number makes people stop and think.

There are two hands that I think I misplayed really badly today. The other I posted on 2+2 in the small stakes MTT strategy forum. (search for "Shove Turn?" posted by itWASaDREAM


This player has not been raising a lot of hands, but limping a ton. When he led the flop he took his time. I thought about it and felt that he is likely having air here a lot, but then I talked my self out of shoving because he would call with any draw, and my hand was super vulnerable because of the board. I decided to pick a better spot. I was in 11th place with 15 left.

I should have went with my read and shoved the flop. I could have called, and shoved any non straight turn. I was considering that, but I didnt want to call off 3bb to just pitch the hand because of any face card or straight card. Im sure he would have folded for 11.5bb more. Really his range is wide, but him leading the flop is suspicious. I dont think he leads with any big hands here (sets, straights, etc...). That narrowed his range imensely to drawing hands and over cards. I chickened out and folded only to bust my AKs to his 88 two hands later.

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